Chaplain Academy

An Army of Peace

Today as never before, we should be ready to serve our God at any time, anywhere, and

under any situation. The Bible tells us FIRST OF ALL seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Is it righteous leaving the needy without help, the naked unclothed, the sick, beaten and less fortunate people without help? Of course NOT!- That is why I want to officially invite you to be one of our Certified Christian Chaplains, “Agents of God”, who are ready to help those who represent Jesus, here on the earth.

You may be pre-approved immediately! - Not everyone is called to be a Chaplain and “NOT EVERYONE CAN BE A CERTIFIED CHRISTIAN CHAPLAIN" through our Federation,– However if you have been a Christian, Leader, Pastor, or a General Minister for 1 or more years, and have the desire to serve YOU WILL BE PRE-APPROVED!!! Also if you are a new passionate born-again Christian that wants to do2 Column the works of Jesus Christ, serving the needy and are willing to be trained, you are in the right place.

MAYBE YOU ARE ALREADY DOING THE WORK OF A CHAPLAIN. This is true if you visit hospitals, jails, rehabilitation centers, perform funerals, visit the needed, pray for others, etc. And if you are actually a practical Chaplain, why not become “Certified”? Our program is made straight-forward and easy for fellow Christians, Pastors, Ministers, and Leaders whose hearts are for the needed.

You can have your Certification and Credentials in 3 Months, and be able to wear the Custom Made Gold Badge that authorizes you as an “International Certified Christian Chaplain”. Our Federation welcomes most Christian Denominations. Please understand that “WE DO NOT APPROVE ALL CANDIDATES FOR CHAPLAINCY”, but we provide certification for those who are Actual Ministers in a Church. That is to say, we do not say "NO" to those who deserve to be certified.

If you are a servant of God, have a genuine calling, and you are serving in your community YOU ARE PRE QUALIFIED TO BE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED AS A CHAPLAIN. We, at the Chaplain Academy, will provide you with all the needed, basic, and fundamental skills. Immediately after, you will be certified through our IFCC (International Federation of Christian Chaplains, Inc.) We have over 32 years of experience and our Organization is officially Incorporated at the Secretary of State in Providence, Rhode Island. We have Certified Chaplains in over 65 Nations in North America, Central America, South America, The Caribbean, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Be a light in the darkness: Get certified as a Christian Chaplain and serve your community and abroad.

Become a part of this Prestigious, Selected Army of Christian Chaplains Worldwide. Fill out your Application Today! Philippians 3:12-14 “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”.

Faithfully in Christ and Looking Forward to Hearing from You,

Dr. Mynor A. Vargas

Contact Us

IFCC-Chaplain Academy

38 Chaffee St.

P.O. Box 29267

Providence, RI 02909

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